Usability Architects, Inc. provides design and development support for incorporating usability into products and systems and specializes in the design and development of user interaction and in the use of emerging techniques and practices for developing usable human-computer interaction. We are located in the Pacific Northwest but provide support and services to clients worldwide.
Our goals and objectives are to help our clients understand the nature of usability, how it is incorporated into products and systems, and what is required to develop usable products. We work with developers of interactive systems and provide a full range of usability expertise and services in support of the development of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and interactive software products.
We provide support for developing product concepts, for identifying features, and for expressing product potential and capability through the use of systematic techniques and methodologies for user-centered design. We advocate and help companies to incorporate these practices into their development process through hands-on practice and through courses and presentations.
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